

A Word to the Merchant

 Download our Handy Order Re-Order Form Here! 

Brushtech has been proudly making our brushes in Upstate New York since 1976. 


One of my best customers once told me that he buys our brushes not for the excellence of our quality, not for our unique designs, nor for our reasonable prices, but for the big profits they bring him.


I invite you to glance through our online catalog of useful, most desirable and hard to find brushes so that you too can take advantage of the opportunities we offer.


As you will see in our catalog, each brush addresses a specific problem in the kitchen, bath, home, garden or workshop.


When your customers see our brushes on your shelves, they easily identify them with their problems and buy on the spot, knowing full well that they cannot find such specialty brushes in discount stores.


To order, open an account, get wholesale pricing information or my personal attention, please contact me:


Nora Gunjian, President
Brushtech Inc.

P.O. Box 1130
Plattsburgh, NY 12901

Tel: 518-563-8420
Fax: 518-563-0581
